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LSD is a well-known psychedelic drug that was synthesized in 1938 by a chemist named Albert Hofmann. Today, LSD is a noted street drug that comes in the form of tablets, capsules and liquid. It is sold mostly via blotter paper. LSD is a Schedule 1 drug. Classifications of this type in the United States include drugs which have the potential to easily be abused and for which there are no utilized medical purposes. Other examples of Schedule One drugs in the United States are ecstasy and heroin.
LSD is one of the more popular psychedelic drugs. Ecstasy and Ketamine have recently become so. Individuals often take LSD in order to hallucinate or dramatically affect their sensory experience. Some use it for spiritual purposes.
Individuals who take acid will feel its effects about 30 minutes after taking it. A person’s pupils will generally dilate, their body temperature will increase as does their blood pressure and heart rate. Individuals may also begin sweating, find it difficult to sleep, experience the shakes and dry mouth. These are the physical effects. Psychologically, a person may begin to hallucinate. They may become paranoid and they may begin to see and hear things differently.
LSD is not considered physically addictive. Individuals who stop taking the drug won't experience physical withdrawals. However, it is possible to abuse it, which can become problematic. Individuals who consistently use LSD for long periods of time may begin to experience episodes of depression, psychosis and even schizophrenia. They may also develop a tolerance of the drug which requires that they use more of it in order to experience its effects.
Individuals who find that they have begun using LSD in an abusive manner may want to talk to someone. For those interested in drug rehabilitation, outpatient treatment is often very effective. Many people who abuse LSD will not require drug rehab at all. However, that will be up to the discretion of the user and/or their family (if the user is a minor).