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Marijuana Addiction
Marijuana or cannabis is a plant which produces THC, a psychoactive. It is used by indivi...
Oxycontin Addiction
Oxycontin is an opiate pain killer. It is prescribed to individuals who suffer from moder...
Pharmaceutical drug abuse has become increasingly problematic in recent years. Instead of purchasing drugs from local dealers, many people are abusing the medications prescribed to them by their doctors. Large numbers of individuals are getting high from the drugs right from their medicine cabinet.
When addicts run out of prescription medications, or are no longer able to secure them from their physicians, many resort to illegal or unethical behaviors in order to obtain them. They may begin to steal drugs from others, become involved in prescription forgery, purchase prescription drugs online or buy them from drug dealers. Doctor shopping is another common approach to securing prescription drugs.
As pharmaceutical abuse becomes a major issue in Northern America, law enforcement officials as well as healthcare workers and others in the community, are often at a loss concerning how to control or even slow it down. It is growing at an alarming rate and is affecting just about every part of the community. Individuals from all different socio-economic backgrounds, races and age groups are using prescription medications for purposes that they were never intended. Especially alarming is its abuse amongst teenagers and adolescents.
Prescription drug abuse is a rising threat within the teen population. Teenagers are using depressants (ex. Xanax, Valium,) narcotic pain relievers (ex. Vicodin, OxyContin), Tranquilizers (ex. Ketamine) and stimulants (ex. Ritalin) for recreational use. Steroid use is also a concern, especially among athletes.
A study done by Drug Free America found that 1 in 5 teenagers had taken a prescription drug in a manner they were not supposed to, i.e., abuse. 1 in 5 teenagers had abused a prescription tranquilizer and 1 in 10 had abused medications prescribed for coughs. These are pretty alarming figures, 1 in 5 is 20% of our nation’s teens.
Prescription drug abuse is very dangerous. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this until it is too late. Many mistakenly assume that drugs prescribed by their physicians are somehow safer then those purchased on the street. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Prescription drugs can be just as dangerous and addicting as illegal ones. In fact, some of the drugs which are illegal (example: cocaine) today, at one time could actually be purchased lawfully, right from the local corner store or pharmacy.
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